• Website

    5 easy ways to improve your e-commerce website

    So, your e-commerce site is going well, but you want it to go great, right? Then, you came to the right place. Here we have 5 easy ways to improve your e-commerce website and boost its success.

    They will all give you a real advantage over your competition. Applying the to your e-commerce will change you from a small fish in the sea to a giant white shark!

    1. Make your e-commerce website fast

  • DNS

    ​Verifying your domain with a TXT record

    Before we start the topic of the TXT records, we are just going to scratch the surface of the DNS (Domain Name System). First, we will learn what DNS is, a DNS record, and the TXT record. That way, you can better understand the process of the verification of your domain.

    ​What is DNS?

    DNS is the universal translater that links domain names to their IP addresses. It is used on all websites and many services like, for example, web hosting and emails. You should know that DNS works with DNS records, which are instruction sets, linking various resources (names, IP addresses, services, etc.) together.

    How does TXT record prevent Email spam?

  • Website

    How to start a blog?

    Starting a blog is a lot easier than starting an e-commerce site, but still, there are important aspects that you should consider. So here we got a nice and easy guide on how to start a blog that will give you all that is needed for your blog’s fundamentals.

    1. Content is the king.

    The content is the king. It has always been and will be! There is a sea of sites, blogs, and articles about almost anything on the Internet, so there is a good chance you will enter a market full of competition. What will make your blog stand out and help you rank better on the organic searches is excellently written posts that follow a content strategy. Randomly posting every now and then does not work, so you will need a schedule and discipline to achieve it.

  • Website

    The Best Website Builders of 2021.

    Website builders have really made the experience of creating a website really easy. Currently, you don’t need technical, design, or programming skills to get it. You only must have your business plan clear in mind to pick from all the functionality choices website builders offer: themes, applications, galleries, menus, reservations, links, charts, custom code, etc. Then, choose the most convenient for your business purposes. 

    Check out the best website builders of 2021 for you to pick a choice!

    Which is the Best DNS for your specific needs?


  • Internet

    Get familiar with IPv4 address.

    IP – What is it?

    Internet protocol (IP) establishes a collection of communication rules. The purpose is to control the form of all data sent within local networks and the Internet. 

    IP sets the most suitable arrangements for packets to transport the data till they are delivered, and it also includes many forms of addressing. Additionally, it routes datagrams over networks. Therefore, the transfer of data packets from an origin to their target point depends upon IP addresses. 

    How DHCP assigns IP addresses?