Domain Name System

  • DNS, Network

    Complete breakdown DNS zone transfer

    DNS zone transfer is our main topic in this article. This is a Domain Name System term that you should know. What is its main purpose, and which are the different DNS zone transfers we will see today. Let’s begin.

    DNS zone transfer – what does it mean

    Zone transfer is the process of duplicating DNS information (DNS records) from the Primary DNS zone to the Secondary DNS zone. This enables you to create several copies of your DNS records on other name servers. If one of the name servers dies, you will have more availability as a result of completing the transfer. Furthermore, if you run a global website with users from all over the world and many presence locations, you will benefit from faster DNS resolution.

    Suggested article: What is DNS zone?

    Another important factor to note is that if a name server goes down for any reason, your website will not be damaged (for example, maintenance or a DDoS attack). It will stay accessible and available to your visitors.

    If you administer a global website and want to speed up Domain Name System resolution, you might consider conducting a zone transfer to many Secondary zones. With this approach, you’ll be able to put your DNS data (DNS records) in numerous Points of Presence (PoP).

  • DNS

    DNS terms every beginner should know

    Here are some DNS terms that will help you manage your domain name as great as possible. As a beginner, it could be really frustrating to learn the complex structure of the Domain Name System (DNS). Yet, let’s start explaining, and everything will become much more clear, and it will make more sense.


    The Domain Name System, or DNS for short, is an essential part of the Internet. It is a global naming database that translates internet domain names to IP (Internet Protocol) addresses. DNS is decentralized and has a multi-level hierarchical structure. Thanks to that system, humans are not required to remember long and difficult numbers (IP addresses) to enter and explore every website. Instead, people are able to type right away the domain name and successfully connect to their desired web page. 

  • DNS

    Explaining each step of DNS resolution

    DNS resolution – What is it?

    The DNS resolution is an entire behind-the-scene process that includes obtaining the IP address of a particular domain name. The Domain Name System (DNS) is built-in hierarchal order, and it includes several levels responsible for different information about the domain.